Friday, 9 August 2013

Growin' Stuff: First Harvest

I am super excited to show off my very first harvest!!!

If you remember back to our garden box first being built back in this post, you will see what a slow start we had.

It went from this sad state of affairs...

To only a marginally better state.

Then all of a sudden, kaboom!
Beans everywhere!!
My peas are out of control - I can't even tell you how many I am going to get.
The cucumber plants have taken over, and even the carrots are starting to really grow.

I think I should pick some lettuce for dinner tonight too.
I am so darn proud of such a silly little thing that women have been doing for centuries.


  1. Your garden is so cute, and it seriously looks like it exploded. I am so jealous of it, and all those beans! I adore green beans. Apartment life = no garden, so I will live vicariously through you. May you continue to have a bountiful harvest.

    Seriously though, Pat. I was going through Wheele-withdrawal symptoms.

    1. Awwwwww!
      Thanks for saying that!
      I had a pretty hectic couple of weeks at work, to the point where looking at a computer was the last thing I wanted to do after staring at my CAD screen all day.
      Plus, for some ridiculous reason, I have various projects in different states of finished, and can't seem to pull any of them into a point of completion.

      On a side note... did you know you are supposed to weed a garden?
      Who knew?
      Once I did that my carrots started to grow... something about being able to get light. Weird.

    2. Wait, you're supposed to weed a garden? And more importantly, is that a metaphor? "Once I did that my carrots started to grow". I am literally the most immature person I know. And that's including 12 year old boys.

      Sorry to hear work is poopy-busy. But on the other hand, it is good to know you are high in demand. And I totes know how you feel - after a long day at work, the last thing you want to do is zombie in front on a computer. Zero lols.

      xx A

    3. Ha!
      I do have to tell you that my husband is potentially the most immature person I know - I say that with love - so I think you have nothing to worry about.
      Also, I may have snorted water out of my nose at the carrot comment. I usually see innuendo a mile away! Oi.

  2. SO jealous. Had plans to install these along the side of our house, but the backyard issues weren't resolved until late July so boooo.... no time for a garden. Next year!!

    1. Backyards are a real dilemma for me. I thought after living in this house for a year, that our yard would be beautiful. I am stunned at how much time it takes to get it pretty. A tip on the garden box... make it narrower than mine! I have a tough time reaching the middle - I think mine is 8' across.


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