Monday, 22 April 2013

Boring TV Wall Part 3: Globe Chalk Wars

I bought this globe last weekend. Seen here. We just happened to be out, and I grabbed it for fun... Kinda got a thing for globes and maps.

This one is in French and has a metal base, so I figured it would be good for something!

I had some leftover chalk paint, and on a whim, just painted the globe.

The texture is cool, so I thought i might use chalk to bring out the mountains and other bumps on the globe. Could look cool. Grey is helping as usual.

With the ball done, the base needed a bit of colour. My first thought was perhaps something fluorescent.

After this weekend's visit of boys 7 yrs and under, I decided to do something a bit more classic (silver), and 'play' with the chalk instead. See the previous Part 2 here.

Also inspired by the boys' visit, and all of the talk of Star Wars, I did a quick sketch of the Death Star.
I used this cool shirt as my inspiration.

Not bad for 45 minutes of sketching.

Add a copper pot from this trip, and my teeth cast, and I think I like how it turned out.

Since posting, this globe has been featured on Our Nerd Home. Check them out!!


  1. OH MY GOD. I let out a clearly audible gasp when I saw this.

    I am doing this for husband. You are some sort of genius.

  2. Thanks everyone.
    Glad I could inspire, like the boys inspired me!

  3. pat you are amazing and this project is insane! i mentioned to alex that im going to pass this idea to my sister in law for my brothers birthday. he will die. love it!!1!

  4. I love this tutorial! I've featured it over on the FaveCraftsBlog! :)


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